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Fresh Breeze Organic uses a “low” temperature (145*F) pasteurization process known as vat pasteurization to rid milk of bacteria. Vat pasteurization, also known as batch pasteurization, is one of several effective ways to pasteurize milk.  The vat pasteurization process has been around since the late nineteenth century and was the earliest known processes to treat milk.

Vat pasteurization gently treats the milk while leaving essential and vital nutrients of the milk.  In contrast, the quick process of high heat pasteurization destroys pathogens as well as nutrients. Fresh Breeze Organic processes milk in small 200 gallon batches.  The low-temperature process ensures that each batch of Fresh Breeze Organic milk is carefully and individually prepared.

The process of vat pasteurization is lengthy, but the superior results, as well as the safety of our products, are worth the extra effort. Try it and let us know if you agree!Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 4.19.50 PM

For more information regarding the process of pasteurization, please visit the International Dairy Foods Association website.


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